The Rainbow Warrior Connection is a web application developed as our Final Project for the ICS314 Software Engineering course at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. It is designed to connect local computer science and engineering students with companies that have job opportunities.
Through the web application, students and companies are able to create profiles, detailing their location, basic information, and a short description. Student are also able to browse through the companies that have been inputted, along with job opportunities that company may have added to their page. Companies can browse through the list of signed up students, filtering out their interests or directly searching their name up.
I developed the collections associated with the jobs and the companies attached to them. This includes connecting the form on the “Add Job” page to the actual MongoDB collection, connecting the proper jobs with the proper companies in the collections, and formatting the information from the jobs collections to be used in the frontend company profile pages. I also drafted up the company home and profile page early on in development.
I was fortunate to learn about and implement Issue Driven Project Management during the development of this project. I also learned a lot about web development, the utilization of Meteor and React, and the power of MongoDB and its collections. I also got plenty of practice with debugging a web application, as it is a bit more complex than simply placing outputs to the console all over the code to see what runs. Overall, this project was important to my growth as a computing professional.
The project repository can be found here.